
The Unholy Marriage of Michael Flynn and the Religious Right

| Blogs, Frontiers of American Reaction | No Comments
The post-screening presentation and Q&A by, from left to right: Scott Wiper, Pastor Jackson Lahmeyer, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn (Ret.), and Ivan Raiklin. March 21, 2024, Sheridan Church, Tulsa Oklahoma.…
McAdams far right newspeak banner

Why Far-Right Newspeak Works

| Blogs, The Far-Right Across Borders | No Comments
The following is an edited version of remarks delivered by A. James McAdams, Sarah Shurts, Laura K. Field, and Sam Piccolo on May 2, 2024 as part of a presentation…
Forti Taking Europe by Election banner

Taking Europe by Election: The Global Far Right in Madrid

| Blogs, The Far-Right Across Borders | No Comments
Originally published in French at From Milei to Orbán, including Meloni and Le Pen; from Portugal's Ventura to Trump's America: the international far-right convened in Madrid this weekend in…

Repressive or Genuine Consolidation? Reading Putin’s Electoral Plebiscite

| Blogs, Illiberal Forces at the Ballot | No Comments
The re-election of Vladimir Putin on March 15-17, 2024 should not be read literally: it was a plebiscite to validate the president as the embodiment of the nation and its…
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Nazione Futura Expands U.S. Network at CPAC

| Blogs, The Far-Right Across Borders | No Comments
“Our goal is to build a network of the conservative world in Europe and the West, a project that we have been working on for years but are intensifying in…

Bukele’s Electoral Hegemony in El Salvador and its Implications for Democracy

| Blogs, Illiberal Forces at the Ballot | No Comments
Populist leaders frequently emerge in Latin America, but few manage to sustain public support beyond their initial term. Nayib Bukele, the President of El Salvador, has entered this elite group…

The Rise of Chega and Portugal’s Looming Political Earthquake

| Blogs, Illiberal Forces at the Ballot | No Comments
The context of the political crisis This year marks 50 years since the establishment of democracy in Portugal on April 25th 1974, thanks to the military coup d’état that overthrew…
van Kessel Geert Wilders win is not a victory for freedom banner

Geert Wilders’ win is not a victory “for Freedom”

| Blogs, Illiberal Forces at the Ballot | No Comments
The large victory of Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom (PVV) in the Dutch election of November 22nd was unexpected and unprecedented: never before did a far-right party come out on…

Argentina’s Elections: The Milei-Villarruel Ticket Threatens Return of Neo-Fascist Videla Regime in Modern Garb

| Blogs, The Far-Right Across Borders | No Comments
In the upcoming Argentine presidential election on November 19, Javier Milei and his vice-presidential candidate Victoria Villarruel threaten to bring back a modernized version of the brutal fascist regime of…

The 2023 Dutch General Elections: Can the New Political Landscape Help to Solve the Polycrisis?

| Blogs, Illiberal Forces at the Ballot | No Comments
On November 22, the Netherlands goes to the polls. The upcoming general elections follow the break up of the Dutch cabinet in July, when the coalition—comprising the conservative-liberal People’s Party for…

Fico is Back, but Illiberalism in Slovakia Faces Headwinds

| Blogs, Illiberal Forces at the Ballot | No Comments
The consequences of the early Slovak elections on September 30, 2023 are now evident. On Wednesday, October 25, Robert Fico from Smer-SD (Direction-Social Democracy) was appointed prime minister for the…

Normal but Serious: The Drift to Illiberalism on Britain’s Right

| Blogs, Frontiers of American Reaction | No Comments
What has gone wrong with conservatism in Britain? Many are asking the question, not least “big C” Conservatives themselves. Five prime ministers in eight years. Inner-party feuding. War from the…
Saldias Javier Milei banner

Javier Milei, the New Right and the Rise of Libertarian Populism in Argentina

| Blogs, Illiberal Forces at the Ballot | No Comments
Forty years after the return to democracy, Argentina's democracy is undergoing a legitimation crisis brought about by triple-digit inflation, which has pushed 40% of the population below the poverty line.…

Destructive Ambiguity: How Polish Populist Incumbents Tinker with Electoral Fairness

| Blogs, Illiberal Forces at the Ballot | No Comments
Election fairness, although often idealized and considered with little nuance, is seen as one of the foundations of democratic order. Domestic watchdogs and international institutions such as the OSCE Office…
Piccoli Only the Pragmatic Survive banner

Only the Pragmatic Survive: The Meloni Government’s Struggle with Migration

| Blogs, Illiberal Politics | No Comments
Around this time last year, Italy’s first female prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, was elected bringing to Palazzo Chigi the nation’s most right-wing government since 1945. At the helm of this…

Blues on the Danube: CPAC’s Return to Hungary

| Blogs, The Far-Right Across Borders | No Comments
On the 4th and 5th of May 2023, Budapest played host for the second time to the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). The conference itself was colored largely by its…