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Photo: “I Gruppi “Lega-Salvini Premier”, “Forza Italia-Berlusconi Presidente” e “Fratelli d’Italia”, del Senato della Repubblica e della Camera dei deputati in occasione delle consultazioni“, by Presidenza della Repubblica. Hue modified from the original

Wodak, Ruth, Majid KhosraviNik, and Brigitte Mral, eds. Right-wing populism in Europe: Politics and discourse. A&C Black, 2013.


Right-wing populist movements and related political parties are gaining ground in many EU member states. This unique, interdisciplinary book provides an overall picture of the dynamics and development of these parties across Europe and beyond. Combining theory with in-depth case studies, it offers a comparative analysis of the policies and rhetoric of existing and emerging parties including the British BNP, the Hungarian Jobbik and the Danish Folkeparti.

The case studies qualitatively and quantitatively analyse right-wing populist groups in the following countries: Austria, Germany, Britain, France, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Italy, Netherlands, Hungary, Belgium, Ukraine, Estonia, and Latvia, with one essay exclusively focused on the US.

This timely and socially relevant collection is essential reading for scholars, students and practitioners wanting to understand the recent rise of populist right wing parties at local, countrywide and regional levels.

Table of contents

  • Introduction
  • Part I Theories and comparative approaches
    • Right-Wing Populism: concept and typology – Anton Pelinka
    • ‘Anything goes!’ – the Haiderization of Europe – Ruth Wodak.
    • Loud Values, Muffled Interests: third-way social democracy and right-wing populism – Magnus E. Maradal.
    • Breaking Taboos and ‘Mainstreaming the Extreme’: the debates on restricting Islamic symbols in contemporary Europe – Aristotle Kallis.
    • Mosques, Minarets, Burqas and Other Essential Threats: the populist right’s campaign against Islam in Western Europe – Hans-Georg Betz
    • Hate Across the Waters: the role of American extremists in fostering an international White Consciousness – Heidi Beirich
  • Part II Case Studies – Western Europe
    • Ploughing the Same Furrow? Continuity and change on Britain’s extreme-right fringe – John E. Richardson
    • Contemporary Forms of Racist Movements and Mobilisation in Britain – John Solomos
    • From Anti-Immigration and Nationalist Revisionism to Islamophobia: continuities and shifts in recent discourses and patterns of political communication of the Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) – Michal Krzyzanowski
    • Developments within the Radical Right in Germany: discourses, attitudes and actors – Britta Schellenberg.
    • Carlo Ruzza and Laura Balbo. Italian Populism and the Trajectories of Two Leaders: Silvio Berlusconi and Umberto Bossi – Carlo Ruzza and Laura Balbo
    • Explaining the Rise of the Front National to Electoral Prominence: multi-faceted or contradictory models? – Brigitte Beauzamy
    • Explaining the Swing to the Right: the Dutch debate on the rise of right-wing populism – Merijn Oudenampsen
    • The Stage as an Arena of Political Struggle. The struggle between Vlaams Blok/Belang and Flemish city theatres – Benjamin de Cleen
  • Part III Case Studies – Central and Eastern Europe
    • The Post-Communist Extreme Right: the Jobbik party in Hungary – András Kovács
    • Comparing Radical-Right Populism in Estonia and Latvia – Daunis Auers and Andres Kasekamp
    • From Para-Militarism to Radical Right-Wing Populism: the rise of the Ukrainian far-right party Svoboda – Anton Shekhovtsov
  • Part IV Case Studies – Scandinavian context
    • Populism – Changes Over Time and Space: a comparative and retrospective analysis of populist parties in the Nordic countries from 1965 to 2012 – Björn Fryklund
    • The Sweden Democrats came In From The Cold: how the debate about allowing the Sweden Democrats into media arenas shifted between 1998 and 2010 – Simon Oja and Brigitte Mral
    • Kristina Boréus. Nationalism and Discursive Discrimination against Immigrants in Austria, Denmark and Sweden – Kristina Boréus
    • Mediatization as an Echo-Chamber for Xenophobic Discourses in the Threat Society: the Muhammad cartoons in Denmark and Sweden – Stig A. Nohrstedt
    • Dealing with the Extreme Right – Christoph Andersson

The Illiberalism Studies Program studies the different faces of illiberal politics and thought in today’s world, taking into account the diversity of their cultural context, their intellectual genealogy, the sociology of their popular support, and their implications on the international scene.